Tuesday, October 14, 2014

15 Technologies for Libraries ---Free, but at what cost to your soul?

Great --more stuff I feel like I should know how to use and that make me feel like I'm doing everything some old, hard, 2010 way.   I read Ellyssa Kroski's post about 15 new technologies for libraries. http://oedb.org/ilibrarian/15-free-technologies-libraries/

Actually, some of these I have used. Some I've heard of. Others are brand new to me.

Here is the list of fifteen technologies and my take on them:


1. Poll Everywhere---Ask a question --get people to text or tweet or internet their vote. The results are immediately displayed in a chart for all to see. Turn every learning moment into a popularity contest! Have not used it.
2. Animoto----Used it!! Both primitive and slick. Easy peazy to use, but the free version gives you hardly any recording time.

3. Mail Chimp ---Because using ordinary e-mail for e-mail campaigns is so backward. Mail Chimp has templates---and chimps!  Have not used it.

4. Zoho Creator ---Lets you custom build apps. Right --like you know how to do that!

5. PBWorks ----I have used this to keep track of all the sh### I read on librarian blogs. A knowledge management tool.

6. Coral -----An Electronic Management System for ERMS, or Electronic Resources Managers. Once I was one, and I had to dance the ERM tune. Now I'm not. Ha! So I could care less.

7.   Dropbox ----Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know. Useful tool. I was using it daily for personal stuff, like storing photos and word files. Not into that file-sharing aspect of it though. File sharing leads to unpleasant things, like doing work.  

8. Wufoo ----Aren't we SICK of cutsie app names by now? Does EVERYTHING digital has to come with a nonsensical name with multiple vowels that sounds like it belongs in a Dr. Seuss rhyme? I mean, the novelty of this is long gone, and I for one would find it refreshing to see a plain ol name like "Web Form Maker." Because that's what this app does. It makes web forms. No, I haven't used it.

9. Twitterfeed---Tweet your blog, or blog your tweet, or however it goes. Because a social media identify is like a bad flu. You only know that you have one when it comes out both ends. Haven't used!

10. Protopage ----Intriguing---a RSS reader alternative I didn't know about.  Looks better to me than Feedly, which I found obnoxious, and which has one of those annoyingly treacly names. I have much preferred CommaFeed, which I've been using since Google Reader pulled up stakes and left town. CommaFeed has a quiet, practical display which doesn't waste my time or eyeballs with some of the crap displayed on Feedly. Protopage is probably busier than I want, but I will have to check it out. Right now I'm loyal to CommaFeed, for being sane and anti-hype.

11.  Adobe Voice ----Now here's something!  Record yourself talking and they provide photos for you to add. I'm skeptical the photos are worth a darn, but as someone who loves to record herself attempting poetry, humor and performance art, this one has exciting possibilities.

12. Survey Monkey ---Put the word "monkey" or "chimp" in the name of a and people will want to use it. This does work pretty well, though. We have used it for our library surveys, though we had to purchase the Pro version to have all the features we wanted.

13. Optimal Sort ---something to do with information architecture and card sorting. Wha? Hell no I haven't used it.

14. Jing ----I used this several years ago ----seemed like support for it had floundered, so I moved over to Screencastomatic. Maybe Jing is better now, and worth another look.

15.  Free Screensharing and Free Conference Call ---Bleh. Only thing worse than people making conference calls are people making conference calls with spiffy new web tools. But I like the matter-of-fact name!

October is Library 2.0 Time!

Here is a list of the recordings from the 2014 Library 2.0 conference.

I've bolded the ones I want to watch:

Jennifer AbbottRECORDINGImproving Digital Services Through Database Development
Stephen AbramRECORDING7 Tactics to Gain Big Savings through Collaboration: Can we bravely take risks?
Ayyoub AjmiRECORDINGGoogle Glass at the UMKC Law School Library
Barbara AlvarezRECORDINGBusiness Services for Public Librarians
Balázs AratóRECORDINGE-services in a hungarian academic library

Conceptions of Research: Implications for Information Literacy Instruction

Cintia BastosRECORDINGLibrary Reading Program for Reluctant Readers
Estelle BeckRECORDINGThe influence of the Learning Commons on the university libraries’ missions
Samantha Adams BeckerRECORDINGOn the Horizon: Pressing Technologies, Trends, Challenges for Libraries
Erika BehlingRECORDINGLet’s Get Visible! (Visible!): Visible Thinking in Library Instruction
Judit BÉRESRECORDINGBibiotherapy - Bibliotrápia
Laura BirkenhauerRECORDINGEvolving Approaches to Professional Development: Continuing Education for the Unemployed or Underemployed Librarian
Amanda BjorlingRECORDINGMeeting the Diverse Needs of High School Learners through Online Learning
Elizabeth BorghiRECORDINGLIS Skills Beyond The Library
Phil BradleyRECORDINGAlternative search engines; why Google simply isn't enough.
Christine BruceRECORDINGInformation Experience: New approaches to theory and practice
Raymond PunRECORDINGWeChat, Library Chat: Exploring New Mobile Services for Students in China
Patrice Bryan & Darcy CofftaRECORDINGSchools' Vortex: Innovative Library Makerspaces
Mara CabreraRECORDINGReality & Virtuality: Research expectations, responsibilities, and technologies in the dissemination phase of a 4-year study
Mardene CarrRECORDINGMobile Technologies and Libraries: Match Made in Heaven or Marriage Gone Wrong?
Tina ChanRECORDINGA Study of Gimlet Use in Reference Transactions
Tina ChanRECORDINGKickstart Your Publishing: Writing Reviews
Roxanne ClementRECORDINGSchool Library Digital Learning Spaces
Closing SocialRECORDINGClosing Social
Rachel CollierRECORDING3D printing at the Reference Desk
IdaMae CraddockRECORDINGFrom Maker Space to Learning Commons
Amy CroftRECORDINGGet it Together' Study Nights - Initiating a new user-centred service in an academic library - Amy Croft Senior Librarian / Campus Library Manager
Sherry R. CrowRECORDINGAren't all kids the same? Looking at cultural differences in motivating students to seek information
Eszter Csorba-SimonRECORDINGA Baranya Megyei Könyvtárellátási Szolgáltatási Rendszer működése/ The Operation of the Service System of Library tendings
Julienne DesJardinsRECORDINGGet Noticed: Create Compelling Images that Spark Engagement
Dóra EgerváriRECORDINGInformation literacy and adult education in Hungary
Ashley EklofRECORDINGBiblioTech, Year One
Nancy FagetRECORDINGVirtual Internship: Where in the World is Great Science being Done?
Nancy FagetRECORDINGCool Tools to Visualize Information
Rita FeketeRECORDINGOpen access and the academic libraries
Matthew FollettRECORDINGEngaging Students with eBooks and Classroom Connections
Donna FrederickRECORDINGDo you have what it takes to manage an eBook library?
Katie GarciaRECORDINGThe Freshman Flip: An Exploration
Loida Garcia-FeboRECORDINGLibraries as a Safe Heaven in Times of Conflict
Sherry Gick & Matthew WinnerRECORDINGWhen Sherry Met Matthew: Finding Your Educational Soulmate and Helping Kids to Rule the World
Brigitta GoerresRECORDINGLibraries: A Destination of Learning
Hilda GomezRECORDINGEl Poder de los Cuentos Digitales
Emily GoverRECORDINGBe Mindful of the Gap: Understanding Information Literacy Struggles Between High School & Higher Education
Chris HagarRECORDINGSupporting the humanitarian effort during disasters: Opportunities for LIS students as digital volunteers
Jonathan HernándezRECORDINGInternet censorship, privacy and freedom of expression: new challenges for LIS professionals.
Susan HildrethRECORDINGLibraries as community learning partners - STEM, Maker and Badging!
Valerie HillRECORDINGEmbedding Librarians in Digital Culture
Sandra HirshRECORDINGWorking in a Global Environment – Success Strategies for Today’s Information Professional
Richard P. HulserRECORDINGDriving digital destinies through multi-institutional collaborations
Uta Hussong-ChristianRECORDINGWhiteboard Visualizations: Evidence of Learning in Student-Centered Library Spaces
Csuka Dalma IlonaRECORDINGDemand for access to higher education and public opinion about LIS
Alexandra JanveyRECORDINGCreating a Successful Online Portfolio
Brigitta JávorkaRECORDINGPersonal Information Management in the library - Személyes információszervezés a könyvtárban
Amy JiangRECORDINGExpanding library technology services to support and enhance students’ technology skills
Linda KalejsRECORDINGBuilding capability: an holistic approach to MOOC development
kYmberly KeetonRECORDINGThe Special Library Express: An Open-Dialogue about Library Express Stations Being Created in Local Community Centers and Cultural Arts Complexes in the United States
Sara KelsoRECORDINGGet Published! The Best Advice for Students Submitting to Peer-Reviewed Journals
Tibor KoltayRECORDINGData literacy (Adat-írástudás)
Marc KosciejewRECORDINGPersonal Data Rights in a Digital Age: Ownership, Control, Privacy, and Anonymity
Edina KovácsRECORDINGOpen access and archive policies’ current opportunity and situation
Jennifer LaGardeRECORDINGImagining Library Spaces of the Future, Today
Jason LeDucRECORDINGLibSat: Getting Ahead of Your Customer Satisfaction Issues
Jason LeDucRECORDINGTaming the Quantitative Data Monster with LibPAS: What? Who? Where? Why? How?
David V. LoertscherRECORDINGCo-Teaching Path to Excellence in the Learning Commons
Michelle LuhtalaRECORDINGFlipped Learning and the Essential Tools to Get you There
Lili LuoRECORDINGEnhancing Librarians’ Research Skills: A Professional Development Program
Melissa MallonRECORDINGPromoting Critical Thinking Through Authentic Learning Activities
Clare McKenzieRECORDINGBuilding professional relationships with the International Librarians Network
Eve MeltonRECORDINGShifting Medical Library Strategies amidst Healthcare Transformation
Phil MorehartRECORDINGInside New Library Design
Rebecca MorrisRECORDINGChanneling Energies in Library Digital Storytelling
Peter MorvilleRECORDINGThe Architecture of Understanding
Peter MurrayRECORDINGMaking Open Source Work for You
Ana NdumuRECORDINGCultural Literacy as Information Literacy at HBCU Libraries
Heidi NeltnerRECORDINGYour Stakeholder Connected Librarian Toolkit
Marton NemethRECORDINGA summary from a student point of view about the Digital Library Learning Programme
Marton NemethRECORDINGELDORADO-A national user centred library service development project in Hungary - Marton Nemeth
Judy O’ConnellRECORDINGLeadership in a connected age: change, challenge and productive chaos
Ji Hak Paul ParkRECORDINGBuilding a library mobile site in three weeks - Ji Hak Paul Park, Web services librarian
Kathleen PhillipsRECORDINGUsability and You: Website usability testing your library's virtual presence
Attila PirosRECORDINGQuestions of Automatic Analysis of UDC Notations / Az ETO jelzetek automatikus elemzésének kérdései
Lauren PoelvoordeRECORDINGInteractive eStorytimes for Kids
Kelly RembertRECORDINGMarketing on a Budget
Pam Sandlian-SmithRECORDINGCreating Experience Libraries
Sarah SchmidtRECORDINGFacing a Rising Tide: Using Blackboard to Navigate a Flood of New Information Literacy Instruction Needs
Dr. Daisy SelematselaRECORDINGPerspective on the evolving roles of information professionals within the South African National System of Innovation (NSI)
Amy ShafferRECORDINGCreative Good: How Creative Collaboration in the Library can Generate Global Impact
Man ShuRECORDINGDigiBook MakerSpace in Chinese Public Libraries
Michael StephensRECORDINGFinding Balance: Reflective Practice and the Profession
David SternRECORDINGHarvesting and organizing many types of web materials using capture software
Barbara StriplingRECORDINGBuilding a Learning Community Through a Library Learning Commons
Patrick SweeneyRECORDINGHow to Win Elections and Influence Politicians
Roy TennantRECORDINGHow to Be a 21st Century Librarian
Ellen TiseRECORDINGAccess to knowledge - reality or fantasy in the digital age
Sue TomsRECORDINGListening to the Library: What should be our role in providing and promoting audiobooks to patrons?
Joyce ValenzaRECORDINGWelcome Session
Joyce ValenzaRECORDINGClosing Session
Joyce ValenzaRECORDINGLibrarians and Social Capital
B.VijayalakshmiRECORDINGUser Centered Community Service Models
Revathi ViswanathanRECORDINGKnowledge Enhancement through Emerging Technologies- Need of the Hour in Digital Era
David WeinbergerRECORDINGJohn Henry in the Library: Algorithms vs. Humans
Debbie WeissmannRECORDINGGamifying for Librarians
Larry WilsonRECORDINGThe Media Center as a Production Center
Jia YangRECORDINGExploring the Use of Information Visualization for Library
Melda N. YildizRECORDINGDeveloping Transdisciplinary Lesson Plans and Integrating Information Literacy Skills for K12 Classrooms
Michelle ZaffinoRECORDINGThe Future: In the Stacks Book Recommendation App

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Free images from cool places!

It's been a long time since I posted. The long, cold winter we had made me revert to my frozen ways of the

But I am BACK, and I had to post this item about a rich resource of sites where you can get a lot of free,  high resolution earth images:


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Finnish Libraries Now!

Hooray for Finns! They are way into books and big fans of their libraries.

I am re-posting this - got this image and information from the Designer Librarian's blog.  She said she could see through the windows of this library in Turku, lots of people sitting inside, in the middle of the day, JUST READING.  Heaven.

For more of a look at libraries in Finland, check out the Designer Librarian's blog and the site Finnish Libraries Now! 

Thanks to the Designer Librarian for hipping me to this.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Library 2.0 webinars I've watched January 2013

These can all be found on the Library 2.0 website. The recordings of the 2012 conference sessions are available for viewing. I always have a long list of sessions I want to watch! Below is the first batch I've watched. Some of my notes on these are rudimentary. As I go back over and review them again, I may update them with more information. For now, I'm just trying to keep track of what I watched, and the jist of what it covered.

Research on the go: Preparing Libraries to be Mobile Friendly. Towards the end it seemed more geared to school librarians, but there were some interesting note-taking and citation tools presented that could be useful to anyone. Want to try some of the note-taking and mind-mapping tools she presented: popplet, mind-blowing, posterous, evernote, easybib, linolt, show me.

Best Practices in University Embedded Librarian work. Very practical and good webinar with lots of detail and ideas for what embedding actually means and what it looks like. Valuable screenshots of a library embedding itself within the course management system. I took screenshots of the screenshots and made my own power point out of them so I could review them later.

Guide on the side: Easy tutorial creation for busy librarians 
I wasn't aware that "Guide on the side" was a product until I watched this. Will have to explore this further.

Building a Medical Library Knowledge Base Using LibAnswers
Another product I was not aware of --LibAnswers

Life After Meebo: Evaluating Virtual Reference Services for Your Library in the Post-Meebo Virtual Environment.
Gave some cool examples of the way incoming virtual reference questions look to the librarian. Will have to review my screenshots, because I can't remember more right now.

Online Vs Face to Face Information Literacy Instruction
Examples of online information literacy instruction and how to assess them

Toward a Sustainable Embedded Librarian program
Library had success with embedded librarian program, but found it took too much time and could not keep up with the demand of growing classes that needed it. Their solution was to purchase LibGuides and use that to more efficiently create embedded content and modules.